I did promise to write at least two more blogs this month. I am running very short on time to do so. This is, therefore, my first of the last two blogs. I am not sure if this blog will have a real purpose. I am merely just trying to get myself back into the habit of writing more. Otherwise, I am most likely screwing myself over and will lose touch with the hobby/skill/love of writing that I used to be so passionate about.
There was a dream I had a while back that I just can't get out of my head, and I really think that means I need to write it down. As always, dreams are a little weird (at least mine are) and this one was no exception. I was viewing the dream from a first-person point of view, but I was not myself; I was some character, a female soldier of some sort who was running around a very rubble-filled street with a bunch of similar soldiers following her. She/I got to the end of the street, loaded a sniper, snaked around the edge of the building, aimed, and fired.
Lots of other things happened in this dream, too, even though my dreams are always choppy, like only the absolutely most important scenes in a film being picked out and shown to you in separate chunks. My character went into a building where refugees were living; they bowed to her as well as the rest of her teammates. My character was talking with one of her teammates, also someone of romantic interest; they were discussing how they were sick of being seen as "Truth" and "Justice" (this idea of assigning an intangible concept to a physical person appeared frequently within the dream, even if it was just a feeling I got from some scenes... this is confusing to me and I'm not sure how I'd write it if and when I do).
Yes, this would definitely be a sci-fi or apocalyptic setting. I can't deny it: I love science fiction, fantasy, and almost anything else that is remotely related to those genres. Does that make me a geek or a nerd? Supposedly there is a difference (
If anyone would like to comment on this blog about my dream/story idea, please do so. I would welcome any feedback; it may help me to develop further ideas for it. I'm sure I'll be writing about this dream as it develops into a story in the future.
Also, more topics I've been wanting to write about here:
- natural beauty techniques/remedies and healthier makeup
- Lady Gaga
- shopping deals/recommendations
- becoming an adult and finding out who I am
- travel
- Renaissance Festival
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