Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The "We seem to be made to suffer; it's our lot in life" post.

Such an incredibly optimistic title, that. Just be happy I still adore Star Wars enough to quote it; at least that movie has never failed me.

A lot has happened since my last post about possibly doing handmade crafts for And it all relates to Monday.

Nick had surgery this past Monday on a hernia that acted up after he lifted meat crates at work the previous week. He was unable to lift anything substantial all week before his surgery, and he always ended up being uncomfortable from pain by the end of any of his shifts.

He scheduled a time to have surgery, which his employer so politely told him he couldn't have that day because they wanted him to work this week. He basically told them that he needed the surgery and they would have to deal with him not working for a few days, but he allowed them to schedule him for this Friday and Saturday, for short shifts.

Monday we arrived at the hospital bright and early for prep and the surgery. I had taken thte day off, figuring I would just go in on Friday to make up for my lost time (I don't usually work Fridays). The surgery didn't take long; I barely had time to return some items bought at a store the day before, run home, and come back to the hospital to e-mail my co-workers when I was called to meet the surgeon.

Everything went well, apparently, and though Nick was in a lot of pain, we were glad things went smoothly. The nurses told us we would probably be home by 3 or 4 p.m. that day, if Nick was feeling strong and sound enough to stand up, use the restroom, and get into a wheelchair out to the car.

Three or 4 p.m. was a severe underestimation of Nick's recovery abilities.

We were at the hospital until 9:30 p.m., because Nick could not stand for the longest time without feeling like he was going to vomit and/or pass out. It was such a relief to get him home and in our own comfort zone. I decided to take Tuesday off, as well, because he would not be able to stand or shower without me there. I was fortunately able to work from home for what equated to a half day, grading papers from my online students. As the day progressed, Nick felt better and better, and was able to sit up and move around.

Today I went to work as usual. Nick seemed to be doing fine home alone the first few times I called him. Then he told me his pain was getting worse, and that it felt like a nerve was pinching. He couldn't stand up without fainting again. He got a hold of one of the nurses, who told him that his symptoms were unnatural complications, and he should come to the ER immediately to be examined. Fortunately, my dear friends Katie and Trish were able to bring him to the hospital and stay with him for the hour I was not able to be there because I was at work.

The ER visit revealed that Nick's surgery wound was healing, but that the area was inflamed, probably due to all his activity and movement on Tuesday when he felt better. The inflammation was indeed pinching a nerve and causing him a great deal of pain. The nurses gave him some anti-inflammatory medications, and he felt better. I took him home after receiving a new prescription for anti-inflammatory meds, as well as a doctor's note telling Nick's employer that he is not allowed to work this weekend. At all.

I dropped the note off at his work, and his boss, who probably saw me, did not stop to talk to me about it, and instead proceeded to call my husband at home, telling him that if he did not work this weekend, he could not have the next weekend off, as was previously scheduled and supposedly decided upon.

Nick asked off for the 6th and 7th of November quite a while ago. He had to fight for those days off, because they are a Friday and Saturday, and apparently his employer will die if someone wants those two days off. But Nick fought it, reminding them he would be around all Thanksgiving and Christmas to work, and that he had not asked off a full weekend in several months.

Yet now they are going back on their (excuse me) fucking word, for the mere reason that "they NEED him" one of these next two weekends, even though the doctor said no work and even though he had previously received permission to have the 6th and 7th off.

The 6th and 7th wouldn't be so important to me/us if it wasn't going to be our one vacation for quite some time. It was going to be our one-year anniversary getaway, because we aren't able to afford tickets to see either of our families, and we wouldn't be able to go anywhere anyway because Nick's employer won't let him off for Thanksgiving and Christmas without yet another fight.

Oh, yeah, they need him THAT MUCH.

This trip is very important to me, probably more so than it is to Nick. He insists that at this point, job retention and stability is more important. Is it really? Since when do jobs come before setting time aside for your wife, especially for an anniversary, which, by the way, was over three months ago and he had to work on our actual anniversary date, too?

I see his point, but I also don't agree with the way his employer is basically slave-driving their workers because they can, because the economy is so bad Nick doesn't dare mouth off to them and risk losing his job.

Once Nick works out a weekend he can have off with his employer or if he gets this job at my work (PLEASE PRAY HE DOES!), his employer is going to receive a VERY strong-worded letter from me.

The inclusion of expletives is being considered.
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Friday, October 23, 2009

The quest for more funding.

And by funding I mean "money to help us start a life together."

Not that we're suffering, but unless Nick's interview at my place of employment doesn't pan out like we hoped it would, I'll need to decide whether or not to start going to work all day on Fridays, or whether or not it's still more important for me to stay home on Fridays to clean, run errands, prepare for the next week, etc.

I'd like to get my accounts going on and so I could work on freelance writing on Fridays, and I'd like to start an account on so I can sell home-made goods. Unfortunately, I only have one or two ideas for "home-made goods."

As a youngster, I was very much into origami. I mentioned this to my co-worker, and she believes I should make origami pieces that could sell, such as mini origami earrings and origami flower candy dishes for themed parties. I've received such advice in the past, when I was doing the folding art as a hobby, but I never put much thought into it because my needs were taken care of by my mom.

Of course, things have changed a bit now.

I believe the origami idea may work, but I think I may need another idea or two to keep my existence alive and worthwhile. So what I'd like to ask my devoted readers is this: from what you know of and about me, what do you think I could make well and sell for a decent price on

Any and all suggestions will be listened to, but maybe not necessarily implemented.
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Saturday, October 10, 2009

The desire to act.

Sometimes I wonder: could I have ever made it as an actress?

I would've needed to be more outgoing, that's for sure. I would've needed classes. I would've needed people to support me and encourage me to go that direction. However, I wouldn't have needed the looks.

So many people have told me how beautiful I am, how fashionable, how "classy" I am. Not that these are all necessarily characteristics of Hollywood stars (I have seen far too many un-classy stars for the world to physically sustain them all), but they definitely get you somewhere in that unfortunately too-shallow and self-absorbed world of film and television.

Yet that is partially why I think I could make it; I know my beliefs would be challenged frequently, but I honestly believe that if I could work on my undeveloped skills to get them to an acceptably "good" level of acting, and get into the Hollywood scene with my looks, fashion, business sense, and smarts, I'd be able to make a small difference in the media world by picking good scripts that I know were quality films with a good theme. I would want to act only in your "food for the thoughts" movies, ones worth every ounce of effort put into them, even if that effort is not blockbuster-selling.

Maybe I'd be able to show my love of story in interviews, and maybe I'd be able to show my appreciation for behind-the-scenes workers on special edition DVDs. Maybe I'd be aiming to show my faith in every aspect of my acting career.

Or maybe I'd just be hoping for a few good shots of me as I walked down the red carpet.

It's some of all of that, which I feel guilty admitting mostly due to my selfish side of wanting those few good shots.

I don't really have to worry about any of this right now, as there isn't a huge demand for Hollywood actors in Sioux Center, Iowa. But what if the opportunity comes up later? What do I do then?
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Sunday, October 4, 2009

The eBay obsession.

I feel utterly addicted sometimes.

And not to something one would normally consider "wrong" or "sinful." I am often addicted to eBay, which is the case now.

I have bid on at least 20 items in the last month, and though I have won only a few of those items, I realize that I probably do not need to be buying these items. However, my "business" brain is trying to convince me that I do, in order to complete or enhance my previous collections. For example, I have recently completed my entire collection of Galoob brand dolls from the 1997 animated movie Anastasia, all because I finally found the last doll I needed. In addition, I have bought the Rose DeWitt Bukater doll from Titanic that I have wanted for several years now, which I can add to my "other" collection of dolls.

The reason I want complete or improved collections is so I can sell them back on eBay to raise money for Nick and I, should we decide to go to Spain or send me to graduate school, or even to simply move to Colorado. So in that sense, these purchases are really an investment for my future.

At this point, however, I probably just need to restrain myself from going and buying everything I've ever wanted off of eBay. Confound that blasted auction site.
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