I had a very fun weekend. I'm sure you don't want to sit here and read about what happened first, and next, and oh, then after that this crazy thing happened. Instead, I'll give you a quick summary, instead of droning on and on as I usually do in these posts. This is what my trip boiled down to:
1. Slept in on Saturday morning
2. Jet-skied and swam on Saturday afternoon/evening
3. Drank wine, lit off fireworks, roasted S'mores Saturday night
4. Slept in on Sunday morning
5. Spent an extra hour in bed with Nick snuggling and dozing
6. Went on the boat and tried water-skiing, failing miserably, on Sunday afternoon
7. Did some more jet-skiing, followed friends in the boat as they went tubing, Nick almost crashed into the boat and to save us turned the jet-ski and we flipped off, I lost my favorite and only pair of sunglasses, I got super-pissed at him and went back to the lakehouse to shower and cool down, all on Sunday afternoon/evening
8. Left the lake house around 7 p.m. on Sunday night, got home at 1 a.m. on Monday
Oh, I forgot. We both got sunburnt on our shoulders and arms, and we are also both very, very stiff and aching from too much falling-off and jet-skiing. It was painful to even get into bed.
However, I can't complain too much. Nick and I had some much-needed alone time, as well as relaxing and having fun.
On another note, I found the perfect shower curtain for our bathroom!
Beautiful, isn't it? Thank you, Bed Bath and Beyond. You're genius.
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